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Hi, I'm Elia. I live in Kentucky, I am a sophomore, and this is my blog, Altogether Beautiful. Altogether Beautiful is primarily for teenage girls and young adult women (other people can view it, too, though) focusing on the Bible verse Song of Solomon 4:7, "You are altogether beautiful, my love. There is no flaw in you" (ESV). I'm starting this blog because I've struggled with loving myself and don't want people to struggle to the point of brokenness. I want girls to know that they are loved and beautiful and mean something in this world. I want this to show people that they have a purpose in life. A main thing I want to instill in the people reading this is confidence. I want there to be a confidence in people so they aren't afraid to do what they love and dress the way they want to.

Growing up in today's society can be hard for people. There are standards media sets that can be impossible to meet, and sometimes it's hard to look at yourself in a positive way. That's why I'm starting this. I want girls to know that they were created in Christ's image, which automatically makes them beautiful. With this confidence, there's the ability to look past what the media deems as "beautiful" and see that they're beautiful in their own way.

Posts on this blog can range from reflections of what has been told as beautiful by the media, to simple words of encouragement. Once a week there will be a guest writer who will help me achieve the goal. I really hope this will help girls find their worth in the truth, and not from impossible standards.

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