If you run into me while I'm at school, chances are I am hanging out with a guy. Not a guy I like or have the slightest interest in dating, but a guy who I am extremely good friends with. Although I also have many many female friends, it's really nice to have really good friend that is male. There are times when I am walking with my boy friend and am asked if he is my boyfriend. I laugh and say no, because the thought of dating Bailey or Pete just baffles me.
Sometimes, I sigh. It doesn't offend me when I'm asked, but there are times I wish I could hang out with a guy and hold his hand and hug him and be like 'yas dis mah bae'. These thoughts make me look at Peter and Bailey differently and think, 'what would happen if we were together?' Let me tell you, thinking this makes my brain go crazy and it's not that fun. Life is definitely better not thinking about what would happen if I was dating one of my good friends.
I texted my friends about this problem months ago and she replied, 'dude, friends are way better than relationships'. She was right. Why commit yourself to someone when you're not even 15 years old and can't whistle. I mean, what are the odds that the person I date today will be my husband. And, even more, most of the guys I know and interact with are big, immature butts that I don't need to waste any time on. Also, friends are the best. You can go crazy with them, get in big groups without anyone feeling like a third wheel (usually) and there isn't any awkwardness when someone you're in a relationship with shows immense affection while the other people just stand there awkwardly standing there.
Friends are actually the bestest. They're people you can rely on no matter what and will usually be there even after encounters that make everyone cringe. They send you useless memes that should never have been made in the first place. It's okay to be best friends with someone of the opposite sex that you have just as good of a relationship with someone of the same sex. It doesn't have to end up romantic and it doesn't have to be hard to bond. And, in the end, sometimes boy friends are better than boyfriends.